welcome to the

(home of the jotardothan)

(started by sprons on febuary 10th, 2022)

changelog 24/02/12
-added this changelog
-fleshed out the memorial
-gave gamegrl controls, your ears can now rest!

-added an entry to memoriam
-added blogzone

- PDNA - Memorial - Blog -

welcome to the SPRONSZONE.

this is a random website that i, sprons, am making for fun with literally 0 html/css knowledge, im figuring this all out as im going.

its not much now but i wanna clog this site full of random bullshit, because i think the idea of having your own website in a modern age of social media is fucking cool

anyways, have fun poking around!

Let's have a dance party RIGHT NOW!
I'm dancing! I'm dancing!

check out my pal mazz's site, he brought in the ruckus light!
Similarly baller, is nocturni, who most certainly gets it!

also, not a very personal thanks, but thanks to everyone behind the yesterweb!
discovering that website really intruiged me and is the reason why i'm making this site now!
