
Many sites have fallen in time. This is just a corner of the internet to remember them, big or small.


This site died a good while ago.
It was a small but very polished website that would allow for you to seamlessly play chess variants.
I had searched long before and after this site and never found any place quite as good for this purpose.
Though it was niche, it was appreciated, and should be remembered.

old addicting games

this was a cool flash game site i used to frequent
the death of flash notwithstanding, the site was acquired by nickelodeon a while before then and is still kicking.
i don't feel like its the same site anymore, something about it feels more corporate nowadays
i recently played thru a bunch of old games on flashpoint and felt weird about how many games had mobile versions now
it feels off to me tho idk why, maybe ill write a blog post on it (zonelets incoming!!! hopefully!!!!)

dead site lmao
hey yeah i took off geocities because i felt weird repping a site i never used and it sorta defeated the point of this being an intimate celebration of sites that mean something to me in particular.
i still respect the fuck out of geocities tho!!